International Center For Academics

Reg. Revised Hall Ticket and Date sheet for June 2023 TEE

Published on : 22 May 2023

Dear Learner,

 This is to inform you that IGNOU has issued a revised date sheet and Hall ticket on 18/05/2023 which are available at IGNOU website. Kindly visit the links below for the revised Hall Ticket and date sheet. If there are any changes in the exam date, kindly download and print the revised Hall ticket and appear the exams accordingly.

For Hall Ticket-  https://hall_ticket.ignou.ac.in/HALLticketjun23/IGNOUHallTicketJun2023.aspx

For Date Sheet-  http://www.ignou.ac.in/userfiles/FINAL%20DATE%20SHEET%20FOR%20JUNE%202023%20TEE%20(18_05_2023).pdf