Few tips to Prepare for IGNOU Term End Examination
Maintaining Your Motivation
Taking Breaks will help you study better. Small breaks, incorporated in your study period will enhance your cognitive ability. Relaxation during those breaks will rejuvenate you quality for concentration. Usually you will need a 5 minutes break at the end of every 30 minutes of study. However if you don’t have a long span of attention, it is advised that you to take 10 minutes break after every 20 minutes of study. Moreover if you are able to chunk your study work into bits, it will help you build your understanding in a methodological way.
Work hard and stay positive. It is very important to let self confidence make its way in your study habits as it is very important to keep you motivated during the examination period. A major part of how you study depends upon the self confidence you breed. Self confidence will let you study smart. If you can work hard in a smart way it will create a block of efficiency which will reflect in your exams therefore perseverance requires self confidence.
Peer Learning. Keep up with your fellow learners. Arrange study groups at a library or somewhere nobody will disturb you and share notes on how you have been studying and what topics you have covered. In this way you will be able to grasp more understanding of what you have already known while explaining it to your friends. Also, you will have a chance to cover subject matters your fellow learners have learnt, hence exchanging knowledge and enriching the learning environment. Make sure you don’t kill time fooling around instead of studying.
Ask for help. Do not ever hesitate to ask for help of you are jammed in a subject. Feel free to call your friend ,your Academic Counselor or your academic support team at your center. They can provide you all the information and help required related to your studies via email , skype, or face to face. However do not call them directly. Take a confirmation via text before engaging in a voice conversation.
Getting ready for the test day
Take a full rest before the exam day. An adult needs a full 8 hours of sleep for rest. As per studies poor sleep patterns hamper performance. You should be able to return optimal performance during your exams. Therefore caffeine should not be consumed 5-6 hours prior to your sleep. Such stimulants reduce efficiency and even with enough sleep you will not feel well rested while waking up.
Eat light and healthy meals. Make sure you eat balanced breakfast or lunch depending upon the time of your examination.
Take some snacks. If your exam is long and are permitted to take snacks take your chance. You would not want to go hungry during your exam. Your concentration might be affected because of hunger. Tip: Take complex carbohydrates and protein enriched snack.
Reach the venue quite early. If you reach the examination hall considerable time before your exam starts you will have time to feel comfortable with the environment and relax. Relaxation before the test is proved to help positively with performance in the test.
Manage time efficiently. First work on the questions you know. You do not need to answer questions serially. Time required to think about the questions you don't know can be used to solve the ones you know first.
Prepare flash cards for your exam day. It is one of the best way to utilize time which would instead be lost while waiting for a bus or while travelling. Definitions and formulas can be used in flash cards which would come very handy for recalling whatever you have learnt so far especially for your exam day for the time before sitting for your exam.
During the test
Write in your own words: You are free to read as many books as you find appropriate to augment your knowledge or to make your concept clear on a particular subject, but when it comes to writing, use your own words. Imported words will be more disservice than good for marking point of view. If you write the sentence/s of any author, you have read, do not forget to give credit to your source(the author). This is one of the most important things you should take to your heart if you want to know as to How to write IGNOU Exam Paper to get good marks guaranteed.
Write Comprehensively: You need not be concise while answering IGNOU Exam Paper. Mind, not only your knowledge but the way you answer the question is examined here. You must show how richly you can write a question in your own language with all the important/necessary headings, sub-headings, paragraphs, picture, illustrations and graphs.
Write in neat and clean handwriting: No matter how much knowledge you have in your subject, or how methodical you are in answering the questions, if your handwriting is not legible, it will be like multiplying Crore to 0. That means, the result will be 0, your answer sheet will fail to catch the eyes of examiner. So, make sure your handwriting in neat and clean.
Use Examples: Use examples to back up your statements. It will add value to your writing and ease the work of the examiner. By just reading the example, he/she will come to know your point. Use of example will also avoid any sort of ambiguity in your statement.