How to Pass the Exams without Studying??
Scoring well in your exams without studying sounds like a fantastic notion or vain hope, doesn't it? Often studying for exams takes weeks of sleepless nights leading to stress, convalescence, disorder and weakness. Most students plan for exams saying they will not choke the way they did in previous exams. They falsify their promises by saying that they will never ever leave anything for last-minute preparations. Of course, in reality that never happens. However, it doesn't have to be. We here at ICA have combed through lists of study tips to find the best and most unorthodox ways to dominate your exams.
Probably the most important thing to remember that it might be the most important exam of your life, but you won't get anything done if you start running around like a headless chicken. Work hard and stay positive. It is very important to let self-confidence make its way in your study habits as it is very important to keep you motivated during the examination period. Assemble your resources - paper, notes, and water bottle. Don't worry if you can't find your favorites pen. This is crunch time. Make do with the pink highlighter if you have to. Do what you have to make yourself concentrate. Try not to think about the exam - obsessing won't help anyone. Go out for dinner or even talk to friends (about anything but the exam). Harder than it seems, this. Really make yourself do it.
ICA is one of the pioneer institutions in Nepal specializing on Open and Distance learning / Part Time Study / Online and E-learning. Distance learning mode of education can be ideal for those looking to obtain a postgraduate degree without even studying at the college. Part-time education is another mode who wishes to develop their careers while still earning for a living or for those who work from home for whatever reason and wish to develop their skills. eLearning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum without studying in a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program or degree delivered completely online. There are many terms used to describe learning that is delivered online, via the internet, ranging from Distance Education, to computerized electronic learning, online learning, internet learning and many others. ICA has been conveying its motto “Work and Study at the same time” which itself explains that work-study balance can be achieved easily.
Yes, you want to pass your exams. But don't forget that you're also trying to learn and understand things and get a good education. Try not to let yourself become an exam-passing locomotive. Large number of students struggle to pass university exams and semester, many of them do it with heavy struggles and stress where some will still be failed in spite of hard works and stress. ICA is making people aware about how learning can go together with academia. ICA has been conveying its motto “Work and Study at the same time” which itself explains that work-study balance can be achieved easily via distance education mode of learning and even without studying.