king back at past 5 months at ICA, My experience on Distance Mode Education

Learners have the opportunity to attend lectures, during counseling sessions where they can interact with the Academic Counselors...
  • 2019-08-13
  • International Center For Academics
Looking back at past 5 months @ ICA

Fresh batch of newly enrolled Learners for January 2019 session underwent induction in the beginning of January this year at the auspicious venue of Yellow Pagoda Hotel. Soon after the event, the freshly inducted learners were handed over with Self Learning Materials (SLM). Academic counseling sessions were held since the beginning of February. ICA holds academic counseling sessions considering the working professions who cannot study at weekdays. Classes were held during the weekend i.e Saturday. Counseling sessions are held for numerous modules of the SLM. Learners have the opportunity to attend lectures, during counseling sessions where they can interact with the Academic Counselors , peer groups and clarify any queries related to the course. These classes are not mandatory to attend but why miss any opportunity to learn. However, technical courses such as MCA and BCA require lab sessions which are mandatory. An average of 70-80% learners attended the sessions. E-learning platforms were also available for the learners .Academic counseling sessions were also delivered through ICA’s own e-learning platform as well as through E-gyankosh of IGNOU. Learners had numerous opportunities to clear doubts they had during the live sessions. It was a boon specially for the learners who could not participate the face to face counseling sessions at the center due issues related to location, professional and personal obligations, travelling etc.

Among other activities, In the month of January an Alumni Association of the ICAians was established. ICA has a strong Alumni of 4000+ learners . One of the prime objective is to bring all the ICAian professionals together to build professional networks.

In the month of March an Innovation Club named IGNOU INNOVATION CLUB@ICA was established to create awareness about creativity and innovations amongst the Learners . This is the first Innovation club of IGNOU outside India. Learners / Academic Counselors / Staff members attached with ICA and keen on exercising their innovative ideas can join this club. There is also a provision to award Gold Medal under the category of “Student Innovation Award” by IGNOU every year to the best innovation by the IGNOU.

Among other activities, In the month of January an Alumni Association of the ICAians was established. ICA has a strong Alumni of 4000+ learners . One of the prime objective is to bring all the ICAian professionals together to build professional networks.

In the month of March an Innovation Club named IGNOU INNOVATION CLUB@ICA was established to create awareness about creativity and innovations amongst the Learners . This is the first Innovation club of IGNOU outside India. Learners / Academic Counselors / Staff members attached with ICA and keen on exercising their innovative ideas can join this club. There is also a provision to award Gold Medal under the category of “Student Innovation Award” by IGNOU every year to the best innovation by the IGNOU.

Month of April was full of learner centric activities like filling up of June 2019 Term End Examination forms , Re-registering for the July 2019 session and submission of Assignments. Viva was also conducted for submitted assignments for several courses.

Month of May is generally considered to be an examination preparation month for those learners who will be appearing in June 2019 Term End Examination. It is also a month where evaluated assignment submitted by the learners in the month of April is returned back to the learners with feedback provided by the evaluators. Learners get an opportunity to assess their understanding on the subject through evaluated assignment and also prepare for examination accordingly.