
Read the articles related to online education, online learning, distance learning, and blending education
Why an Open University?
  • 2019-03-22
  • International Center For Academics

Why an Open University?

What is Open University?A university with an open door academic policy might require minimal or no entry requirements. Open Universities adhere to certain teaching methods which might be distance learning or open supported learning or both. Nonetheless not all open universities focus on distance education,...

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Open Learning on the Go!
  • 2019-03-22
  • International Center For Academics

Open Learning on the Go!

People who are working and travelling have a great deal of trouble to keep up with theeducation. Open Universities such as IGNOU help people travel, Work and Study at the same time. There are certain instances where professionals who have to travel to different places for work have benefited from IGNOU.Isha...

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Scope of Distance Learning in Nepal
  • 2019-03-22
  • International Center For Academics

Scope of Distance Learning in Nepal

The paradigm in which higher education has been established in our minds conveys a traditional approach where a student needs to go to a certain establishment 6 days a week to learn. But, as the world is advancing like never before, people don’t have enough time to spend over this format of education....

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Blended Learning, E-Learning and Online Learning: What ICA provides?
  • 2019-03-22
  • International Center For Academics

Blended Learning, E-Learning and Online Learning: What ICA provides?

? The evolution of technology and the numerous and varied educational institutions, each providing a number of courses or degrees, has led to a confusing variety of terms in the field of distance education – distance learning, e-learning, online learning, virtual education, blended learning, flexible...

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Importance of Information Technology - Scope of IT in Nepal
  • 2019-03-22
  • International Center For Academics

Importance of IT in Nepal

Information technology (IT) refers to the use of computers for creating, processing, storing and securing data, which can then be stored or networked with other physical devices. IT is widely used in several industries ranging from telecommunications to simple grocery store. In addition, IT is used by...

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Prepare for Failure (in a good way)
  • 2019-03-21
  • International Center For Academics

Prepare for Failure (in a good way)

?Although you have stuck your New Year resolution on the kitchen wall – to dissuade you from sneaking in that flavorful dessert after dinner every night – sometimes you are not going to deliberately look. It is but human to fail. It is definitely going to happen with your study plans. Despite your...

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Career Education: Overrated or Necessity?
  • 2019-03-21
  • International Center For Academics

Career Education: Overrated or Necessity?

Career Education is slowly rising and establishing its ground among the various other educational systems. Before getting into the whole discussion on career education, it is very important to know what it actually is. Also known as, Vocation Training, Career Education enables an individual to build...

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Courses we Provide here at ICA
  • 2019-02-18
  • Admin

Courses we Provide here at ICA

ICA has been a great place to learn for learners since its establishment in 1997. In 2002, it became the first Partner Institution (PI) currently known as Overseas Study Center (OSC) of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).Open learning is primarily an educational policy or a goal in which...

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The War is on: Full-time work VS. Part-time Study
  • 2019-02-18
  • Admin

The War is on: Full-time work VS. Part-time Study

The workplace of today is evolving at such a rapid pace that the skills and degrees of yesteryears are soon going to be irrelevant. This is not to say whatever we have learnt in school and college haven’t given us a firm foundation. It has. However, keeping that as base we need to build on competencies...

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The Future you always wanted
  • 2019-02-18
  • Admin

The Future you always wanted

Taking a life-changing decision and moving to a path different from everyone around you is surely a daunting thing to imagine. But, sudden daunting decisions at the best of times, makes you a better person than others. Life is too short to be following what others are doing. Some random decisions and...

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